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Why Is The Law Of Attraction Not Working For Me?

Why Is The Law Of Attraction Not Working For Me?

Personally, I think this can be one of the more difficult aspects of LOA – trying to understand the reasons why is the law of attraction not working for me? Or at least, you’re not experiencing certain things in your life that you want, even when you have been following all the steps, implementing various strategies and caning your mind-set. So why does it seem that LOA is not delivering to us?

How to tell if the law of attraction is working?

Let’s take things one step at a time. There are times that I stop and assess whether or not LOA is having any effect – I want to know if it’s doing anything. This is a “big question” and the answer is not a simple, straightforward one, as there are many different factors to consider – some of which I will share with you in this article. However, just the other day I had a little wakeup call – Something happened that really upset me. I spoke to someone who was focusing on something negative and telling me all this negative stuff! Anyway, it really upset me and I went about my day. It was not long before one of numerous, really unusual events, took place. A really abusive and aggressive man was blocking the clinic entrance and I had to call the police! There was a string of events – all upsetting – all day long.

Signs Law Of Attraction Is Working For You

I could see that because I was out of ‘alignment’ with me. I can’t remember the last time so many significantly negative things happened one after the other. As soon as I could I implemented some LOA techniques such as meditation as I discuss in my article  Law Of Attraction and Healing, focusing on rebalancing – to get me back on track. Took all day to settle down and now, about one week later, I have to think hard to remember some of the events that happened! So the absence of positive influences showed up in my life in a marked way. It certainly made me realise that LOA is helping me to keep in alignment with my goals and desires. So look out for signs law of attraction is working for you – even if it is in the negative sense!
On the back of that, I also realised that in the past when less significant things have upset me, it could take weeks for me to feel that I have moved on form that negative! Seriously. My positive perceptions have massively strengthened over the years and my destructive negative thinking has certainly reduced. These things are all part of my goals and desires as I move forward and I see this as a real sign of LOA at work!


When you are not well, it is really important that you are feeling a sense that you are moving in the right direction. It can be really powerful at times like this to highlight a bit of perspective. Just remember that there are plenty of people in the world who have what, to all intensive purposes, looks like poor health. There are people like this who are happy, content, live life fully and embrace it. Sometimes this perspective helps to put your personal situation in a broader context. Some people seem to do pretty well with less than what we have whether it be in health or other life circumstances and this in itself helps to keep me motivated when I might think that I have not yet manifested something in particular. I find it helpful to write in my journal as I talk about in my article on Law Of Attractions and Affirmations and remember all the positive events that are happening that show I am on the path to my desires and goals.

History May Play A Role

LOA tells us that things can change quickly – very quickly for some, but in or eagerness to experience something better for ourselves, we sometimes forget that we have had a lifetime of thoughts, beliefs, expectations and experiences that come into play when we are perusing LOA. For example, we may have spent the last 20 years having a really nutritional low diet which has resulted in subclinical; deficiencies along the way and adding physiological stresses to our body. This could have contributed to your health status as it is today. There may be some pathological changes that have taken place in your body that may have caused damage at a cellular, tissue or organ level. This is going to have some effect on your manifestations, depending on what they are.

There is a context in which we are playing with LOA and it is important to acknowledge this. To take an obvious example, someone with 5 years of arthritic pain my be using the laws for 12 months and yet doesn’t see any change in their pain or experience of it. At a certain level, it’s not so surprising is it? Sometimes it will take time to unravel all that has lead to your current state of health.

Now just to reiterate, there are plenty of people who will attest to the power of LOA and tell you that they have experienced positive change in a short amount of time.

Identify The Signs LOA That Is Working

Here are 4 ways that you can help to minimise the times that you feel you are not making a lot of progress. All of these techniques can be incorporated as a longer-term strategy as well as a process to use when things are getting tough for you. When I feel that there is a ‘lack of progress’ in my life, I used to find it very difficult to pull myself through such times but now after a lot of practice it has become easier to get back on track and it is partly because of these 4 practices I’m going to share with you. It does take time and practice to get better at seeing beyond the feeling that things are not progressing.


1. Positive Focus

There is a golden rule to healing, especially if it is of something that is longer standing or has very strong and dominant symptoms. It is so important to focus on aspects that are positive good, improving, working well, feel good or bring you pleasure. We have a choice to put our energy towards a disease or towards health and wellbeing.


Of course we need to accept the here and now – the situation we find ourselves in, and that doesn’t stop us from seeking out and focusing on that which is in the realm of health and healing. So if you feel that the LOA is not helping you towards wellbeing, having a store of positive experience that you have been growing, can go some way towards to keeping you focused and moving in a positive direction.

Write down all the positive things you have been experiencing. Even if it is really general and not specifically related to a particular illness. Dwell on these. Embellish them.

Eg: I love the improvement in the movement of my wrist. I really appreciate the freedom to use my hands and to be able to use them in so many different ways. (suffering form arthritis in the wrist)

Eg: I really enjoy the feeling of the breeze across my face. It keeps me in touch with nature and I can sense the day outside. (If unwell and in bed)

2. Correct Resonance

Kind of goes without saying – finding ways to keep LOA alive and active is so important as you move forward towards wellbeing. I talk about Visualizations and affirmations and the issue of relevance and appropriateness. So an important way to deal with a perceived “lack of progress” is to make sure you’re the things you are aiming for are ‘aligned with’ your inner desires. Please go and check out these articles for more details as it requires some explanation.

3. Enjoy the Process
Try And Find Pleasure In the Journey

Of course we want to arrive at our final goal right – that’s the whole point isn’t it? I totally get that and I myself have certain objectives. But when we are thinking that LOA is failing for us, just remember that part of the process, in fact a massive part of it, is the getting from where you are now to where you want to be. It’s the moving forward – the evolution of your thoughts, feelings and mindset. It’s the small physical changes you notice along the way, the improvement of symptoms, your perception of symptoms and your reaction to them. Aren’t all these things in fact, part of health or having a growing and strengthening wellbeing?

4. Recording

I often talk about journaling or recording your progress. I have numerous journals I use, documents, spreadsheets, huge pieces of poster paper I used to regularly record my progress. If I ever need to remind myself the LOA id in fact in play in my life, I can go back and read over some of the things I’ve written. So if you are not doing it already, begin! If you are not able to write yourself then record yourself, or get a like-minded person to transcribe for you. Just keep track of your progress and this can serve you well if you feel LOA is somehow failing you.





Man & Boy on Path: Image: Dirk (Beeki®) Schumacher, Pixabay walk-2757848_1920
Image by

Andrew Collishaw

Andrew Collishaw

Hi, It’s Andrew Collishaw here and I’ve been practicing Naturopathic & Homoeopathic medicine for 30 years’ here in Australia and over this time I have come to see just how important out mindset is when it comes to health and healing. Now we can use natural medicines to treat someone and it can facilitate healing. But if we can add to that a positive mindset (to put is very simply) then that can make a massive difference. Now mindset is not really law of attraction, but is part of it.

Andrew Collishaw: ND B Med Sci (Hons Div 1) (Syd)
211 King St Newtown 2042, Sydney, Australia

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