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Law Of Attraction – Visualization And Healing

Law Of Attraction  – Visualization And Healing

CIt is commonly understood that positive visualization is an important component of Law of Attraction (LOA) and when it come to health and healing, it’s most definitely the case. In this article I want to share with you some fine-tuning techniques that can be applied to the pursuit of wellbeing.

Visualisation and the Law Of Attraction

People from all walks of life, in many different circumstances, with various intentions, use some sort of visualisation in order to help them achieve their goals. Sport enhancement visualisations are well documented – for example figure skating(1) (D Gould, LM Finch & SA Jackson) and wrestling (2)  (D Gould; RC Eklund; SA Jackson)

Although not extensive, visualisation approaches in health can be found in the scientific literature.
One interesting study (3) was reported in 2003 by N. Kingwatsiaq and K. Pii in Arctic Anthropology. Guided imagery and visualisations were used to help first nation people from Cape Dorset, Nunavut to deal with the abuse they faced in residential schools. The report also goes on to mention the use of visualisation in sports, medical use and mental health treatment. Healing the body and the soul through visualization

Greif and bereavement are times when visualisation may be beneficial as indicated by Sandra Salka (4) in the The Hospice Journal 1997, United Hospice of Rockland, Pomona, NY 10977, USA.

“This article explores the effective use of the unconscious as an ally in providing therapy to bereaved clients.”

“The following presents the therapeutic use of “embedded affirmations,” metaphors, and guided visualizations, focused on harnessing the healing potential of the unconscious.”

It seems to me that visualisation is very much a psychological technique – but certainly it is much more than that when you look at it in context with LOA

Clarity and Visualization in Law Of Attraction

Your goals, desires and your imaginations must feel congruent with how you feel and your current experience in life and this means there is a clarity I that which you desire.
Of course imagination is something we know to be healthy and indeed is an integral part of childhood development for example. Many of our past famous artists, scientists example, had incredible imaginations – going way beyond what at the time would be considered ‘normal’. We all know the massive leap of imagination Copernicus has when he pronounced to the world that the earth rotated around the sun and itself rotated on an axis.


Levels Of Imagination

Imaginations or visualising have different levels of purpose – all potentially being helpful things to do, but each serving a different purpose. A 5 year old child imagining being a firefighter, is usually seen as being healthy. Same thing with an Olympian visualising the main event and going through the lead up, leading to the race and winning and the overwhelming glory when standing on the podium receiving a gold medal. Copernicus was ridiculed for his new theories and without his vivid imagination, planetary orbits may have remained a mystery for some time more.
So when it comes to health and healing, we need to activate out imaginations in a way that leads to positive outcomes. How do we do this?

Is it Good or bad?

The criteria used to answer this question seems to be along the lines of this: if imagining something and lowing it to become part of your active visualisation habits, there is a strong sense that it needs to have an outcome that feels good, results in no harm, leads to positiveness, leads one to ‘better’ and brighter’ things or is pleasurable. Under these circumstances it is difficult to argue that something is wrong or inappropriate to imagine. If the foreseeable outcomes are not negative then generally speaking, imagination seems to be helpful.


There is probably a point where our visualisation has just gone a bit too far and is too far outside our ‘comfort zone’. There is a time to re-tune our goal so that is more in line with you and your expectations, feelings and not too far outside (if at all) your comfort zone. You may visualise having perfect flawless skin once the Acne has gone. Your Focus Wheel for LOA may show people with ‘perfect’ skin. But what if the scaring is extensive? There may be a discord between what you visualise and how your skin appears. So what do you do? I will partly depend on the person, but perhaps it might be too much to imagine the flawless skin. That is a bit too far over the limit. It might be better to find a visualisation that is ‘more appropriate’.



So when you are developing your visualisations, there needs to be some degree of appropriateness and feeling comfortable with the goals. I remember many years ago visualising myself being a multimillionaire. Looking back, that was just too big of a leap for me – it was incongruent with my experience and so therefore, didn’t come to fruition.

So back to the acne example, we might change the image to that of someone with a really high level of confidence, for example. Of someone who is do totally not bothered by the scarring on their face. This sort of visualisation is more appropriate now and more congruent when working with law of attraction.

As your visualisations become more and more real for you, more comfortable, more inspiring and encouraging, you can embellish them, modify them so that they match up to your new ‘comfort boundaries’. Be prepared to move the boundaries of your imaginations and allow your ‘comfort zone’ to expand.


Lets say you have serious skin problem and with the right care and attention, you have seen a slight lessening of the intolerable itch and infection you have. That’s great. Embellish that and focus on that. Be grateful for that. You want your skin to be even better, but it’s a step forward and something to build upon. So your visualisation may now include a slightly stronger sense of relief, happiness, confidence. You may be able to more easily and confidently imagine going out and enjoying being out doors, around people and being just that little less self conscious. As your visualisations develop, you might like to also include affirmations as another way to consolidate your progress towards wellbeing. Take a look at my article Law Of Attraction Affirmations and make sure this is included I your practice.

Emotional Connections

The key ingredient in all of your visualization when using law of attraction is to really allow the positive feelings of your goals to be alive, full and real. Imagine feeling some relief in your skin disease – embellish the confidence it brings to you as you go about your daily routine. I always try to include a good dose of emotional content to my visualisations and one way to enhance this is to visualise during meditation – an essential component of LOA and healing LOA, Meditation and Healing.



There are many great resources available for you showing you how to effective visualise. Everyone is different and so I suggest you try a few different approaches and see what works for you. Also remember that one approach may work today and then tomorrow something different will yield better results. But the key is to fine tune your visualising in the way I have talked about in this article.





1 Swimming: skeeze, Pixabay. swimming-659903_1920.

2 Planets. Image: WikiImages, Pixabay . solar-system-11111_1280. Image by

3 Woman thinking:  Kelsey Vere, Pixabay. woman-987187_1920. Image by


1. Coping strategies used by national champion figure skaters. Gould D, Finch LM & Jackson SA. Department of Exercise and Sport Science, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Research Quarterly For Exercise And Sport [Res Q Exerc Sport] 1993 Dec; Vol. 64 (4), pp. 453-68.

2. Coping strategies used by U.S. Olympic wrestlers. Gould D; Eklund RC; Jackson SA Research Quarterly For Exercise And Sport, 1993

3 Healing the body and the soul through visualization: a technique used by the Community Healing Team of Cape Dorset, Nunavut.
Kingwatsiaq N and Pii K. Arctic Anthropology [Arctic Anthropol] 2003; Vol. 40 (2), pp. 90-2.

4. Enlisting the unconscious as an ally in grief therapy: the creative use of affirmations, metaphors, and guided visualization.Salka S. United Hospice of Rockland, Pomona, NY 10977, USA.The Hospice Journal [Hosp J] 1997; Vol. 12 (3), pp. 17-31.

Andrew Collishaw

Andrew Collishaw

Hi, It’s Andrew Collishaw here and I’ve been practicing Naturopathic & Homoeopathic medicine for 30 years’ here in Australia and over this time I have come to see just how important out mindset is when it comes to health and healing. Now we can use natural medicines to treat someone and it can facilitate healing. But if we can add to that a positive mindset (to put is very simply) then that can make a massive difference. Now mindset is not really law of attraction, but is part of it.

Andrew Collishaw: ND B Med Sci (Hons Div 1) (Syd)
211 King St Newtown 2042, Sydney, Australia

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