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Affirmations – The Key To Law Of Attraction and Healing

Affirmations – The Key To Law Of Attraction And Healing

A large part of Law Of Attraction involves the use of affirmations which simply put, involves repeating and believing statements. These can promote something positive, may help to positively influence your experience and contribute to your health & wellbeing. In this article I will show you how to begin to really enhance your practice.

How Repetition Affects The Subconscious Mind

Repetition is powerful! I play the violin and I find it quite amasing that, with practice, my fingers learn and remember where to go to I can create music! When I was practicing for music exams, I would play my pieces and scales in the dark! You see I know the subconscious mind was at play and this is what I wanted to consolidate when I played.
Affirmations work in a very similar way – the more we think and feel a certain way, those new thoughts can become more dominant – almost like resetting your default. It becomes easier to remember these new attitudes and patterns of thinking and when we relate them to our health, there is the potential to positively influence your wellbeing.

How Affirmation Work

The process of repeating thoughts and emotions is integrally connected to our physiology. Our nervous and hormonal system can explain some of the mechanisms of affirmations, not that we have to explain everything with science in order to validate it! We see the use of affirmations in high level sports for example. Check this out in my article, on visualisation. Positive thinking and affirming particular thoughts and outcomes, play an essential role in training routines and event preparations, especially at these higher levels of sport performance.

How To Use Affirmations Most Effectively for Healing

I think most people have an idea how to used affirmations so I want to give you the fine-tuning techniques that can contribute to making them more effective and meaningful for you when you are on the path of health and healing. Here are my top three fine-tuning techniques for you to try.

1. Emotional Affirmations

No matter how you choose to practice your affirmations, what technique you use and how often you are repeating them, the key ingredient that must be included are your emotions. As much as you can, for example, really feel what it is like to experience more energy. Feel the joy and freedom when strong feelings of depression have reduced. Focus on the confidence that comes from feeling good about yourself and allowing your self-esteem to be stronger. When emotions are added to the mix, the overall effect can be a lot more profound.

2. Realm Of Reality

There needs to be some sense of ‘reality’ or ‘comfortableness’ when using affirmations. I speak about this in my article on visualisation. There needs to be some sort of measure of appropriateness – guide lines that indicate what we are affirming is helpful or not. And at the same time, we need to be really careful not to limit yourself or what we aspire to.
If someone has lost the use of their legs, is it appropriate to repeat that they will be able to walk in the future? It’s tricky I think. One the one hand someone may be paraplegic but who is to say they will not go on and enjoy the use of amazing prosthetic limbs. They may be so motivated that they become part of a research team that design the most technologically advanced prosthetics ever!

3. Positive Affirmations Evolve

One really important quality to develop when you are re-shaping and modifying your thoughts and feelings, is to have an awareness of how you are responding to what you are saying and to make adjustments accordingly. If after months and months of saying that your arthritis pain has gone and you are really enjoying the freedom of movement in your fingers, but you do not see any indication of this what-so-ever, then it is high time to re-evaluate what you are saying. It may be helpful to ‘tone it down’ a little. Make your statements broader so that you can allow for (and notice) the positive changes to take place more easily. You might say things along the lines of, “I find during the day, moments when the pain is less and during these times I stop and give thanks for the relief.” In this example you have allowed your affirmation to evolve and become more appropriate.

To help put these three ideas into more of a context, you may find it helpful to take a look at my article What Is The Law Of Attraction and see how they might fit in when using LOA principles.

Another Example Of Evolving Affirmations

You may have been saying something like this: “the pain in my abdomen is gradually reducing and my digestive processes are becoming healthy and robust and this allows me to enjoy my day so much more”. Now if indeed the pain has reduced and the digestive functions have been restored, you may want to adjust what you are repeating to yourself. Perhaps something like this is going to be more appropriate now and resonate with you.

“I love to eat healthy foods that provide nourishment and sustenance to my whole digestive system, providing all the resources my body needs for a full, active, happy and fulfilling day.”

Generalizing Can Be Good

When things are tough for you and it is difficult to focus on positive aspects of your life because of your illness, there are times that we need

Sometime a general approach can help
It may be enough to affirm the pleasure being with family or friends

to step back and become more general in our approach.

If you are so unwell, there are times that the thought of being, fit, full of energy, happy, may be just too hard to imagine as that time. Now this doesn’t mean that, in time ,you will not be able to affirm specific positive things, but for now it’s just too much.

When I have clients in this situation I suggest that they take a step back – find an something that does feel more in line with how they are feeling at the moment and where they are in the healing journey. Sometimes it can be good not to even include anything directly about healing!

Something general might start out as something like this for example:  “I enjoy walking around the shops, looking at all the beautiful clothes, enjoying the atmosphere around me.”
Someone with unrelenting Chronic Fatigue might find it helpful to say: “I value the quietness and peacefulness I experience that will help me to heal” . “I look forward to seeing my friends when they visit me and I enjoy the interactions we have”. “I can hear the birds outside my window. This brings me peace and relaxation.”

Now It’s very interesting to note here that LOA processes involve a lot about relaxation so I recommend that you check out my article Relaxation, Manifestation and Healing, and add this to your LOA repertoire.

There’s a lot to take in here so remember, to use an old cliche, one step at a time. This is so much the case when it come to health and healing and LOA.





Person writing in journal Image: Pexels, Pixabay adult-1850177_1920





Andrew Collishaw

Andrew Collishaw

Hi, It’s Andrew Collishaw here and I’ve been practicing Naturopathic & Homoeopathic medicine for 30 years’ here in Australia and over this time I have come to see just how important out mindset is when it comes to health and healing. Now we can use natural medicines to treat someone and it can facilitate healing. But if we can add to that a positive mindset (to put is very simply) then that can make a massive difference. Now mindset is not really law of attraction, but is part of it.

Andrew Collishaw: ND B Med Sci (Hons Div 1) (Syd)
211 King St Newtown 2042, Sydney, Australia

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