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Law Of Attraction And Weight Gain

Law Of Attraction And Weight Gain

In this article I am going to share with you how law of attraction & weight gain work together. There are many factors to consider when it come to our weight and in this article I am going to focus on the single, most important part of the LOA approach. Simply, it’s our relationship with food. Understanding what it is, getting it right or taking steps in the right direction is essential. Let’s take a look and see how this fits into LOA.

law of attraction weight gainGaining Weight and the Law Of Attraction

There are many reasons why you may not be at your ideal weight and most, if not all, of the reasons come under the category of health. There are three basic divisions we can make – physical causes, mental and emotional causes. Of course there are other factors but these are the ones I use most often. We need to take a look at how health and weight are related before we start to understand how law of attraction may influence your weight gain. I prefer to say – bring about “weight balance” because of all the unhelpful connotations that surround anything to do with our weight!
Our physical body is governed by the physiological process and vulnerable to dysfunctions which might result in disease. It is really important that anything medically-related to finding your ‘weight-balance’ is addressed by your health care practitioner. We also know that our weight is very much influenced by the way we take care of ourselves and this includes our nutritional intake, physical activity, how we are treating any health condition we may have (ie: are you taking any medication, herbal or homoeopathic medicines for example.)

Law of attraction and diet

I don’t want to spend time here going into what constitutes an excellent diet for ideal ‘weight-balance’. Instead let’s focus on your relationship with food because that’s how LOA works.
What is going on at either conscious or subconscious level when it come to you and food. For many people there are complicated psychological issues that need to be sorted through. Eat the very least, diet is a major focus for people when if come to weight.

Weight Gain & Affirmations

The first step is to identify any positive things about your relationship with food and if can’t, then knowing how to turn that around. Take some time and think and feel about food and see if there is anything there that is going to have a positive affect on you and your health. Find what is positive, pleasurable, fun or enjoyable. LOA encourages us to dwell on those things and embellish them. Focus on them.

For example, here are some possible affirmations:
I feel so fresh and energised after a healthy meal,
I love the feeling I get when I know I have been eating healthy foods,
when I eat well, I have plenty of energy during the day to do all things I want to do.
I really enjoy having a meal with friends, chatting about interesting things, having a laugh.
I enjoy making the time to eat slowly and focusing on the delicious tastes and textures of the food.

To find out more about affirmations, you might like to check out my article LOA and Affirmations which go into more details about affirmations and health as they can be such an important ingredient when it come to finding ways to use law of attraction to weight gain


But What If I Don’t Feel Anything Positive?

Now if it is difficult for you to find positive feelings about food, then LOA suggests that you take a step back away from food and affirm positive thigs that are a little more general. And if food is just too loaded with negativity at the moment then you can affirm other positive things that may not even have anything to do with food. In either situation, you can then gradually add food affirmations as you feel more and more ok about it. Let me give you some examples of some of the sort of affirmations you might say depending on how you feel about food:

I know I need good nutrition for my body, mind and emotions to be healthy. I love to feel well and full of energy.
I enjoy being able to go out into the day and do all the things I want to do, interacting with nice people. I love and appreciate how we have access to all the food we need. I appreciate the farmers that grow the food, the people that transport it and the shops and markets that sell it. I love the fact that I can go into a restaurant or café and have delicious and healthy food if I want to.

Ok, you get the idea! We need to build up this positivity within us – one way or another so that we can nourish our
Relationship with food.

Positive Feedback Loop

I want to share with you something that I see very often in my clients. As people move towards a better level of health, healing or wellbeing, then there is usually a natural inclination for them to make decisions, shift their thinking or adjust emotionally so that they naturally do things that will promote health, healing or wellbeing! As simple example: as someone begins to feel their energy levels increasing, they will acknowledge and enjoy this and then perhaps feel like taking the time to go for a walk around the block to get some fresh air and have a bit of stretch. This of course can then feedback and further help energy levels. The same may happen with you and gaining weight while using the law of attraction principles. You may a little progress forward and this will motivate you to keep taking steps in the right direction.

Remember that the steps forward my not always be an increase in what the scales show. To stay with the example of your relationship with food, you might find a more positive attitude which in turn may help you to make healthier food choices.

Visualizations and Increasing Weight

It’s always a good time to incorporate visualizations into your practice of LOA, but these little ‘breakthroughs’ might help to give to some impetus to refocus on some positive visualizations. If you do them already then use any of your progress to re- energize them and inject some new enthusiasm into them.

To follow on form the example above, if you find yourself making healthier food choices, then you might see yourself going shopping and buying the most delicious, fresh food you have ever seen! The bright colours look so beautiful and the smell is so enticing. You pick up your favourite fruit and hold it and feel its weight, its freshness and you take a deep smell. You just know how good this is going to be for your body – physically and energetically.

So make you visualizations real and poignant as they can be so helpful in your LOA practice. (Visualisation guidelines)

Andrew Collishaw

Andrew Collishaw

Hi, It’s Andrew Collishaw here and I’ve been practicing Naturopathic & Homoeopathic medicine for 30 years’ here in Australia and over this time I have come to see just how important out mindset is when it comes to health and healing. Now we can use natural medicines to treat someone and it can facilitate healing. But if we can add to that a positive mindset (to put is very simply) then that can make a massive difference. Now mindset is not really law of attraction, but is part of it.

Andrew Collishaw: ND B Med Sci (Hons Div 1) (Syd)
211 King St Newtown 2042, Sydney, Australia

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