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Law Of Attraction Limiting Beliefs

Law Of Attraction Limiting Beliefs

When living life using the law of attraction, limiting beliefs can derail us from achieving what we are aiming for in terms of our health and healing. For various reasons we all have these stories that we tell about ourselves that can determine the experiences we have in life. When you are changing the shape your health, healing and well-being into something that you want, these stories can be at odds with your desires. Progress can be more difficult. Let’s take a look at how what you believe can affect LOA principles.

As a Naturopath I often see clients going along really well their treatment and making good progress and then various hiccups happen that can bring the healing to a halt or certainly potentially sabotage their progress. It can be anything that gets in the way of healing. There is a resistance to moving forward. Many times it is the negative thinking that gets in the way. Stories that tell us be a certain way which is not the way we are desiring.

How To Release Resistance – Law Of Attraction

Well, easier said than done it seems!
1: Identify: Many of the stories we tell are subconscious and there are some that can be identified more on the surface. If you run into a stumbling block in terms of your desires and wants, just take a moment to stop. Think and feel through what’s happening with your emotions and thoughts. Just see if you can go beneath the surface and tune into what might be going on for you that has given rise to a certain negative story or block. Law Of Attraction means that we need to look for these potential Limiting Beliefs.

Sometimes when dealing with an illness and making some progress, all of your enthusiasm for LOA goes out the window. Look at the reasons why this is happening. It might turn out that someone has a strong feeling that they could not possible recover from this illness, for example.  They might feel that by being ill, it legitimises taking time off work taking it easy, getting love and attention directed towards them.

There are an infinite number of possibilities. Tune in and see what comes up for you.

2: Acknowledge

It’s so important to just acknowledge the status quo. It can be difficult, but just accepting your state of health as it is today is the first and essential step towards healing. Same with the blocks we find along the way. When you discover deeper levels of resistance to your progress, then that’s great! Really great! Just stare that story in the face and acknowledge it for what it is.

Letting go of resistance – law of attraction

When it comes to letting go of resistance, law of attraction can be so helpful. We want to begin to replace the old unwanted stories with new and desired stories that fit into the new direction we are taking in our life. One really good way to begin to dismantle them is by using affirmations. (see my article for more details about Affirmations, LOA and Health).

For example, let’s say you have discovered that being ill gives  you “permission” to accept love, support and affection from others as they take care of you, spend time with you and offer support. This mind-set offers a level of resistance, in that if you were to reclaim your well-being, at some level, you would need to accept love and support  – when you are well and not in any obvious need.


Limiting Beliefs Reflect In Your Words in LOA

As a practitioner of LOA you need to become tuned into the language you use and be mindful of the messages you are putting out to others and to the world. Often the words we choose tell a lot about the storied that we are telling ourselves and how they might be stopping us from better health and healing.

I hear many people tell me that they are not going to get better! Or that their shoulder is never going to heal. I sometimes jokingly say to them something like, “…well if you keep thinking that way, I’m not surprised!” And then we have a bit of a laugh!

But I think it is true – if we continue to think and say things that contradict our dreams, goals and desires, then it is only going to make it more difficult to move forward in a positive direction.

Sometimes my clients will say to me that they have always had this particular condition for as long as they can remember. Now it is obvious why someone would say that but remember we are now in tune with LOA and thee might be a better way to say it. Perhaps something like, “I have had this pain in my knee that comes and goes and has done so for many years. There are times it is there and at other times it fades away.” There’s a big difference isn’t there? One statement doesn’t leave much room for healing while the other allows for some potential reduction in pain.

We can be factual and I think it is important not to hide the truth – but if you are going to be honest about your health then please be mindful of the language you use. It is too easy for our pre-set storied to set in and take over.

Compare these two statements:
1: Last year I suffered from a horrendous digestive infection that is still causing me grief.
2: Last year I had a digestive infection that cause me some pain and diarrhoea which I have about once a week at the moment. It has been challenging at times keeping focused on do-to-day things but I have made such massive progress.

Now it’s obvious which statement is going to be more conducive to well-being. I know it is not always easy to speak in this manner.  With practice and a bit of effort, we can begin to modify how we tell our truth.  This way there is going to be room for health and healing to happen. The stories that we need to suffer experience discomfort are akin to grief and they don’t serve us well at all. Who says illness is best described by the words suffering and grief. It might be a part of it but there will be many other ways to speak about your health that, I think, are going to be not only more accurate but also leave open room for well-being to grow. Don’t limit the beliefs you hold about your health as law of attraction is always encouraging us find positive and encouraging way to express ourselves.

In 2018, there was a fascinating study  looking at the effect of “story-centred care” in people living in long-term aged care. (1) HW Chuang et al found that this approach helped to transform negative thoughts into positive ones and this showed an improvement in depression and general brain function (cognition). Interesting isn’t it? It shoes the beneficial effect that telling a different and positive story can have in this situation.

Limits To Changing Your Story

Now I am always saying that there are times that we simply cannot look at the other side of the coin and call out the story we are telling. Sometimes we are just too depressed, or too unwell or too tired to even contemplate anything other than the discomfort or unpleasantness. These are not the best times to be trying to tell yourself the other story. It’s like looking at an orange and saying it is an apple. I think you are better off to wait until you are feeling more ‘balance’ and then introduce an alternative point of view, another way to say what you want to say.

As I’m writing this I am constantly thinking about the homoeopathic clinic I have studied at many times in India, The Other Song. My speciality is practicing homoepathic medicine. In this system of medicine we sometimes need to go beyond the surface of what someone is saying or how someone is presenting and see what is there at a deeper level. Perhaps a subconsciously level. We sometimes need to understand what other song is playing for that person that has such an influence over their lives. As a homoeopath I would then prescribe a homeopathic medicine that will help to ‘address’ the emotional component of the illness or condition. I know that is a very brief explanation of homoepathy so if you would like to know more, please read the homoepathy page at my website.



Road Block: adjustable-road-block-1845980_1920. Image: Mabel Amber, still incognito. Pixabay
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(1) Effectiveness of Story-Centred Care Intervention Program in older persons living in long-term care facilities: A randomized, longitudinal study. Chuang HW, Kao CW, Lee MD, Chang YC., PLoS One. 2018 Mar 19;13(3):e0194178. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194178. eCollection 2018.

Andrew Collishaw

Andrew Collishaw

Hi, It’s Andrew Collishaw here and I’ve been practicing Naturopathic & Homoeopathic medicine for 30 years’ here in Australia and over this time I have come to see just how important out mindset is when it comes to health and healing. Now we can use natural medicines to treat someone and it can facilitate healing. But if we can add to that a positive mindset (to put is very simply) then that can make a massive difference. Now mindset is not really law of attraction, but is part of it.

Andrew Collishaw: ND B Med Sci (Hons Div 1) (Syd)
211 King St Newtown 2042, Sydney, Australia

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