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What Is Manifestation Of Health & Healing?

What Is Manifestation Of Health & Healing?

When thinking about health and healing, we need to consider the question,” what is manifestation?” If we are following the laws of attraction, we need some understanding of what it is that we can expect to eventuate. How will we know if indeed we have begun to create our health-related reality if it is not obvious and not fully realised and only beginning to show itself.

What Is Manifestation Of Health & Healing?

Finding health, healing and well-being is so much more than a reduction or elimination of signs and symptoms. When we are expecting manifestation, what is the tell-tale sign that it is happening? This is exactly what I am going to take a close look at in this article because healing with LOA is a process, an evolution as you grow into a ‘new’ and ‘modified’ you.


Definition: Just a quick look at how the Cambridge dictionary defines manifest: “a sign of something existing or happening” Merriam-Webster state: “a perceptible, outward, or visible expression” What is important here is that the word does not reflect reaching any end point or conclusion of something, rather it is the viability of a process that is happening. We need to keep this in mind when thinking about wanting better health and healing.


What Is The Manifestation You Expect?

Many people, when they are seeking to create health and healing, expect that a condition they are suffering from will go, or will be cured or reduced. Now this makes a lot of sense – you are not well and so health for you will mean that you are no longer experiencing that particular state of ‘un-wellness’. I know I am being very general here, but this highlights something that is a little deeper that is essential to understand. We need to have an understanding of what health actually is. What makes you healthy?

You see if you believe that health is the absence of particular symptoms, for example, then you would not see yourself as being healthy if you suffered from seasonal hay fever.

So we need to ask ourselves what does it mean for us to be healthy or to enjoy a high level of well-being?  So how would health show itself in this situation. Would you be satisfied with degrees of health? Say your hay fever gets 40% better for example.

As a Naturopath and homoeopath, I ask all of my clients to tell me what is that they expect and want in terms of better health and healing. This helps me and them to have a good starting point from which we can then move forward and begin the healing process. Many of my clients are not consciously practicing the laws of attraction and so we move in a different way. But for you, someone who wants to take advantage of LOA, I encourage you to take an honest look at what health means to you. You need to have this clear starting point because as healing and well-being begin to manifest, you need to be able to identify it. Conversely, if you don’t think LOA is working, then you need to identify that in a very clear way.(you might like to check out my article: (Reasons LOA is Not Working. )

Signposts Along The Way

The path to healing and well-being is going to be different for everyone depending on an infinite number of factors. If your health is currently at this point and you desire to be over there, then in order to get there, there is going to be a pathway, a process or a procedure that will take place. The time it takes will again be different for everyone – some will reach it quickly while others it will take time.

Along the way to healing there will be signposts for you to take note of and to give you that assurance that your are on the right path and heading in the right direction. For example, let’s say you are suffering from a skin disorder and you are moving towards having healthy skin. You may not wake up the day after you start using LOA, with totally symptom-free skin. But over the course of a month you may see changes in your skin that indicate healing is taking place. You are not where you are aiming for yet, but looks like you are on the way. At times like this it’s really important to give thanks and gratitude for these ‘small’ changes. (Appreciation, Law Of Attraction & Health)


Manifestations In Unexpected Places

Now I know it kind of sounds a bit silly but this skin example can be applied to so many situation. We need to almost train ourselves to notice movement in the direction that we want to go. This is indeed  a manifestation of healing. Now the interesting thing is that there will be times that you don’t notice any particular changes in your health-status. Let’s say that your skin looks the same after one month, but you can see that you are feeling more relaxed about it! Less anxious. This is great and this is again a sign that you are moving towards a better state or well-being. Often in my clinic I will see something begin to heal or heal completely, but it isn’t what the client came to me to have treated. Something else gets better first! This is healing. This is heading towards the place you want to be.

Another really important way LOA can show itself is occurrences that don’t have anything to do with your body! You might meet inspiring people, have a really good conversation with someone, have a smooth-sailing day or your favorite bird might meet you in the garden as you are walking through a park. You may notice the beautiful colours of the Autumn leaves as they reflect in the flowing river.

According to LOA, these are all signs and expressions of being in resonance with a deeper part of you that is helping you to move towards better health, healing and well-being.

Be Alert

Yes that’s right. Be alert to your surrounds and to your inner self, noticing the changes and the events and circumstances that indicate LOA is playing out and helping you to move in the direction you want to move in. Look closely at your understanding of health and healing and perhaps make some room for, or tweak it so that it includes some of the things I have mentioned in this article. Aiming for better health will always include noticing all the changes along the way.


Image: Larisa Koshkina, Pixabay , bridge-19513_1920

Image Larisa Koshkina, Pixabay , autumn-219972_1280

Andrew Collishaw

Andrew Collishaw

Hi, It’s Andrew Collishaw here and I’ve been practicing Naturopathic & Homoeopathic medicine for 30 years’ here in Australia and over this time I have come to see just how important out mindset is when it comes to health and healing. Now we can use natural medicines to treat someone and it can facilitate healing. But if we can add to that a positive mindset (to put is very simply) then that can make a massive difference. Now mindset is not really law of attraction, but is part of it.

Andrew Collishaw: ND B Med Sci (Hons Div 1) (Syd)
211 King St Newtown 2042, Sydney, Australia

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