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Law Of Attraction and Letting Go

Law Of Attraction And Letting Go

When you desire health, healing and well-being and you are using law of attraction, letting go of old habits and beliefs is a vital step. In this article I want to focus on just that – learning to let go and allow law of attraction to play out in your favour. You see, something has to change if we are to experience a deeper level of wellbeing and this, more often than not, means being able to replace something within you, with something else that will better serve your health-goals.

Do You Accept Your Health AS It Is?

I have spoken in an article, Law Of Attraction Limiting Beliefs, a little about what I consider to be the first and essential step in healing and that is to be able to accept and acknowledge your health status as it is today. Let’s delve into this a little deeper here because if you are letting go of ‘stuff’, which law of attraction requires, you must address the here and now. In my Naturopathic clinic, I see it all the time – clients sometimes are just a bit ‘too eager’ to get on with healing and this ends up becoming a stumbling block to their progress.

In an article called Acceptance published by the Australian Government Health Department, referring to mental health, they acknowledge just how importance acceptance is.  “Acceptance is acknowledged to be an important step in developing effective illness management strategies…”

And a physical condition: In 2018, Beata Jankowska-Polańska 1 et al, published a fascinating study (1) called: Symptoms, Acceptance of Illness and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. They state that, “Acceptance of illness plays a key role, allowing the patient to adapt to the disease and its treatment, and to maintain their health-related quality of life (HRQOL) despite chronic conditions.”

Some of my clients feel so bad because of the way they have neglected themselves, resulting in illness or disease. There is guilt, shame, embarrassment or anger in one form or another.

Take a moment now and see how you feel about your current state of health.

Seriously. Stop reading and just think and feel. What comes up for you?


Learn to let go – LOA

We need to learn ways of releasing some of these feelings and the first step is to just know that it is ok to feel what you feel. It’s alright that you ae down on yourself about your health. It’s ok to feel depressed about it. Many people would be angry if they had this illness. Now we need to eventually move on from these sort of feelings but there is a time and a place to allow yourself the space to just be as you are. Just allow your feelings, emotions, physical body, and your mind to be as it is. Accept this and tell yourself it’s ok.
Obviously in the same breath you can decide that it is time to move on from this position and begin to experience something better for yourself. This may not be easy. The negative feelings you have might be really strong. But you can consciously decide to move forward in a positive direction. You can learn to let go of certain beliefs with law of attraction. You can choose to think and feel and focus on positive aspects of your health.

Practice Your Techniques

I play the violin and LOA is very similar in many important ways. When I was learning, I use to practice a lot – hours and hours a week. I had excellent teachers and so it was focused practice and I progressed well. I used to have flash cards of all the different scales we play on the violin and pull them at random and play that scale – one after another! Anyway, you too will need to practice law of attraction, letting go of old beliefs, thoughts and feelings and replacing them with new, inspiring, helpful, health-promoting ones. You get better in time at doing this until it becomes second nature.

Before The Storm Strikes!

In physical pain, or focused on your health concern or emotionally upset or feeling really stressed? Then it can be difficult to simply replace these thoughts and feelings with something positive. On the other hand, when negativity is just beginning, and you are aware of the law of attraction, learning to let go of those emotions and thoughts is going to be a lot easier. You want to catch yourself out before you are overwelled with an emotion that is not going to enhance your health and well-being.

Some time ago my phone line at my Naturopathic clinic stopped working. I was so stressed and up set because it meant calling the phone

company (again) and waiting days for it to be fixed. I immediately tapped into a past experience of having to call the telecommunications ombudsman as my line wasn’t getting fixed. So stressed!

But this last time, better practiced in LOA, I basically stopped, took some deep breaths and thought to myself:
“Ok I need to deal with this and it will probable take a few days at least, so I will put some time aside, divert my phone, notify affected clients”.

Was I able to let go of my negativity completely? No! But it certainly was a great improvement compared to the last time it happened. I had practiced this ‘process’ enough for it to be able to kick in and for me to be more able to keep a positive balance.

“Please remember that sometimes it is helpful to seek professional help when dealing with strong and potentially destructive emotions. Law of Attraction followers, ere not shy to ask for help on letting go.”


Making changes in alignment with LOA is not always an easy process especially when it come to your health and healing. I really do understand that. But I encourage you to preserver and practice letting go of those unwanted, unhelpful thoughts and feelings that just get in the way of you having the health, healing and well-being that you desire.


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law of attraction learning to let go




Hand cuffs: Image: Лечение наркомании, Pixabay

Violins: Image: Pexels, Pixabay . classical-music-1838390_1920;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1838390″>Pexels</a> from <a href=


(1) Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs, 17 (3), 262-272 Mar 2018. Symptoms, Acceptance of Illness and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. Beata Jankowska-Polańska 1, Aleksandra Kaczan 2, Katarzyna Lomper 1, Dariusz Nowakowski 3, Krzysztof Dudek 4

Andrew Collishaw

Andrew Collishaw

Hi, It’s Andrew Collishaw here and I’ve been practicing Naturopathic & Homoeopathic medicine for 30 years’ here in Australia and over this time I have come to see just how important out mindset is when it comes to health and healing. Now we can use natural medicines to treat someone and it can facilitate healing. But if we can add to that a positive mindset (to put is very simply) then that can make a massive difference. Now mindset is not really law of attraction, but is part of it.

Andrew Collishaw: ND B Med Sci (Hons Div 1) (Syd)
211 King St Newtown 2042, Sydney, Australia

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